Daily News

Wednesday 1 August 2018

PGGC -11 Air wing Cadets for Swatch Bharat Summer Internship in the village

Gram Panchayat Behlana appreciates PGGC -11 Air wing Cadets for Swatch Bharat Summer Internship in the village

National Tele24 News
    The Swachh Bharat Summer Internship (SBSI) 2018 of Air wing NCC cadets of PGGC-11, Chandigarh under the aegis of Chandigarh Air Sqn NCC which had commenced on July 5, 2018 under the supervision of Dr. Rakesh Thakur, Caretaker Airwing NCC and Nodal Officer SBSI, PGGC-11 concluded here on Wednesday at Panchyat Ghar, Vil. Behlana, Chandigarh (UT).
Led by Sarpanch Smt. Mohinder Kaur, Panch Devraj Sharma and other panchayat members of Gram Panchayat vill.Behlana expressed their appreciation to 30 cadets of NCC Air wing of PGGC-11 for completing more than 4000 man hours of cleanliness and awareness drive in village.
            The function was graced by Brigadier RS Thakur, Group Commander NCC, Chandigarh, who with panchayat members presented the mementoes to the deserving cadets of NCC Air wing. Dr. Rakesh Thakur, Nodal Officer of Swachh Bharat Summer Internship (SBSI) for NCC Airwing summarized the activities undertaken for the whole duration of Internship. The cadets were led by three team leaders namely Cadet Sergeant Shiva Vasan, Cadet Sergeant AmitRamola and Cadet Warrant Officer Somalica Sharma. During the internship, cadets undertook awareness drives, door to door campaign, Cleanliness of Cremation ground and Religious shrines. The cadets along with villagers conducted Tree Plantation drive. BCC (Behaviour Change Communication) of each student studying in Govt. Senior Secondary School, Behlana. The young children were counseled on Oral& Personal Hygiene alongwithCommunity Cleaning. 
Brigadier RS Thakur, Group Commander NCC, Chandigarh, applauded the efforts of the NCC Cadets of PGGC-11 for their dedicated and sincere efforts in cleaning the village and spreading awareness among the masses.The valedictory function was presided over by Commanding Officer 1 Chandigarh Air Sqn. NCC Wing commander M R Pandeya who appreciated the efforts of the students and the helping nature of the villagers, especially the Sarpanch Mrs Mohinder kaur and Panch Devraj Sharma who helped in making the 100+ hour cleanliness drive a huge success and hoped that the ball which has been set rolling would acquire mega proportions

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