Daily News

Friday 11 May 2018

National Technology Day celebrate at CSIO

National Technology Day celebrate at CSIO

Vinay Kumar
May 11, 2018
Central Scientific Instruments Organisation celebrated "National Technology Day" today by holding an OPEN DAY and organizing National Technology Day Lecture. All the labs of CSIO were kept open for general public in the forenoon. Many visitors including students from various schools, colleges, universities and general public went around the laboratories of the institute. They interacted with the scientists and were given exposure to the technologies available & being pursued at CSIO.
A new facility of “Precision Optics Laboratory” was inaugurated by Padma Bhushan Dr. T. Ramasami, Former Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. With this laboratory it will be possible to develop space saving integrated optics instruments for the armed forces and the strategic sector. In recent past CSIO has equipped itself with contemporary optical fabrication facilities such as CNC optical grinding and polishing machines, two and three axis diamond turning machines, magneto-rheological finishing machine, etc which will be useful for fabrication of spherical, aspheric, off-axis, freeform and diffractive optical components for defence technologies.
Later in the afternoon Padma Bhushan Dr. T. Ramasami, Former Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India delivered the National Technology Day Lecture on “Enculturing Technology in Low Resource Setting: A Paradigm for Sustainable Future”. He said that the world view of technology as a driver of national economic development is leading to multiplicity of investments into Research and Development by Nation states. He emphasized that the prevailing culture of research and development in search of technology is built on the principle of Competitive Excellence. Currently used models of high resource intensity for research and development are not sustainable for future of the world. He said that technologies backed by large sizes of capitals by pass the affordability of people in low resource setting and such technologies inadvertently play the roles of economic and development dividers and contribute to global divides. He highlighted that a new paradigm for sustainable future of the world calls for enculturing technology space with Triple Bottom lines of Society, Economics and Environment. He was of the view that alternate models built on the three principles of societal relevance; long term sustenance and collaborative excellence are needs to the time. Culture of development and deployment of technologies needs to take into account that more than 60% of the world resides in low resource setting and that the current resource intense models of R&D are failing to serve their needs technology-led development. He emphasized that India with an established R&D infrastructure, low expertise costs and ability to create affordable innovations is in ideal and unique position to provide an alternative model for serving the of technology needs to more than 60% of the world. He said that a call would be made for enculturing global technology space with an alternate India-Inspired model built on the strength of Triple Bottom Line of Society, Economics and Environment on the Technology Day of 2018.
Prior to this Prof. R. K. Sinha, Director, CSIO welcomed the chief guest and said that National Technology Day is celebrated in India on May 11 every year to mark the Indian technological advancement in order to commemorate the history of India's technological capability and expertise. On this particular day, India achieved a huge technological progression. The first, indigenous aircraft Hansa-3 was test flown from Bangalore. India performed successful test firing of the Trishul missile on the same day and also executed three successful nuclear tests, carried out at Pokhran, in Rajasthan. He said that he hoped to provide many more technological solutions for societal and strategic applications. He said that there is a well chalked out plan to keep the pace of development of new technology and its integration with the existing system and new knowledge creation.

Canadian Delegation visits Aryans Group of Colleges

Canadian Delegation visits Aryans Group of Colleges

Vinay Kumar  

11th May 2018

To create more opportunities for the students in higher education abroad for the students of Aryans Group of Colleges, Rajpura, Near Chandigarh, delegation comprising of Canadian University delegates and experts from the field of education visited Aryans Campus. Mr. Manoj Patki, Managing Director, Staar United Group, Mumbai was the keynote speaker on the occasion. 
The objective of the program was not only to assist students in expanding their awareness in regard to the opportunities available globally, but to offer precise guidance of how they can fulfil such aspirations with minimum financial and time loss. Manoj Patki while interacting with the students briefed about the opportunities available in Canada including credit transfer programs whereby students will receive direct entry into the third or the fourth year of the degree programs helping the students to reduce the overall cost of education in Canada. Patki added that students got eligible for a three-year work permit in Canada upon completion of their degree, as per the current regulations. A number of students who receive a three-year Canadian work permit succeed in securing employment in Canada and can apply for Permanent Residency in Canada. Dr. Anshu Kataria, Chairman, Aryans Group said that Aryans caters to students from all over the country, including Punjab, Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, J&K, North East, Bihar, Jharkhand etc & this collaboration will help Aryans students to get invaluable International exposure.
        Dr. Kataria added that for the first time, students would get all information about proceeding abroad through a dedicated counselling centre located on campus. Students may also complete all formalities pertaining to application and admission through this on-campus centre.

Card Making Activity In ‘Petals’

Card Making Activity In ‘Petals’

Vinay Kumar 

To mark the unique bonding between a mother and a child, Mother’s Day activity was conducted in ‘Petals’, the primary wing of ‘PML S D Public School’ students of classes I to V participated in card making activity. They made vibrantly coloured greeting cards with their mother’s photograph attached to it. The teachers explained them the importance of their mother in shaping their life, students were encouraged to help had have a good understanding  with their mothers and also develop a feeling of gratitude.

भारत में लडक़ों के प्रतिष्ठित बोर्डिंग स्कूल- दि सिंधिया स्कूल.........

भारत के सर्वश्रेष्ठ ब्वॉयज बोर्डिंग में से एक सिंधिया स्कूलग्वालियर ने दी चंडीगढ़ रीजन में दस्तक

विनय कुमार

11 मई, 2018
भारत में लडक़ों के प्रतिष्ठित बोर्डिंग स्कूल- दि सिंधिया स्कूलग्वालियर के प्रिंसीपल एवं प्रख्यात शिक्षाविद् डॉ. माधव देव सारस्वत ने मध्य प्रदेश में ग्वालियर किले पर स्थित स्कूल की 121-वर्ष पुरानी समृद्ध विरासत के बारे में आज यहां मीडिया से बातचीत की। उल्लेखनीय है कि सिंधिया स्कूल की स्थापना 1897 में दूरदर्शी महाराजा माधव राव सिंधिया-प्रथम ने की थीऔर अब सिंधिया राज परिवार के उत्तराधिकारी श्री ज्योतिरादित्य सिंधिया स्कूल के गवर्नर्स बोर्ड के अध्यक्ष हैं। ट्राईसिटी के प्रतिष्ठित शिक्षाविद् एवं सिंधिया स्कूल के पूर्व छात्रश्री मितुल दीक्षित भी इस अवसर पर डॉ. सारस्वत के साथ मौजूद थे। भारत के सबसे अच्छे शिक्षा पोर्टलों में से एकएजूकेशन वल्र्ड ने वर्ष 2017-18 के लिएसिंधिया स्कूल को भारत के बोर्डिंग स्कूलों में नंबर 2 की रैंक दी हैजबकि ब्वॉय लीगेसी बोर्डिंग स्कूलों की श्रेणी में इसे मध्य प्रदेश का नंबर 1 स्कूल घोषित किया है। मुझे चंडीगढ़ आने की खुशी है और यह घोषणा करते हुए भी प्रसन्नता हो रही है कि हमारे आउटरीच प्रोग्राम के एक हिस्से के रूप में हम यहां पेरेंट्स के लिए एक ओपन हाउस का आयोजन करने जा रहे हैंजो सिंधिया स्कूल के वरिष्ठ कार्यकर्ताओं और मेरे साथ एक इंटरेक्टिव व अत्यधिक जानकारीपूर्ण सेमिनार होगा,’ डॉ. माधव देव सारस्वत ने कहा। बताया गया कि यह सेमिनार शनिवार, 12 मई, 2018 को होटल ताजसेक्टर 17, चंडीगढ़ में सायं 5-7 बजे के बीच आयोजित किया जाएगा। डॉ. सारस्वत ने कहा, ‘यह कार्यक्रम चंडीगढ़हरियाणाहिमाचल प्रदेश व पंजाब के संभावित छात्रों को स्कूल के बारे में जानकारी देने और इससे जुडऩे संबंधी उचित निर्णय लेने में सहायता के लिए स्कूल की योजना के एक हिस्से के रूप में चंडीगढ़ लाया गया है। स्कूल इस रीजन को गंभीरता से ले रहा है। ओपन हाउस न केवल माता-पिता को सीधे मुझसे बात करने का अवसर देगाबल्कि उन्हें स्कूल के कुछ पूर्व छात्रों व सहयोगियों से मिलने का भी मौका देगाक्योंकि वे पहले से ही इस लोकप्रिय शिक्षा संस्थान का एक हिस्सा रह चुके हैं। उल्लेखनीय है कि सिंधिया स्कूल के नामी पूर्व छात्रों में फिल्म निर्देशक अनुराग कश्यपअभिनेता सलमान खानपी एंड जी के पूर्व सीएमडी भारत वी. पटेलरेडियो सीलोन प्रसिद्धि वालेउद्घोषक अमीन सयानीपूर्व विदेश मंत्री के. नटवर सिंहतथा पूर्व उप-सेनाध्यक्षलेफ्टिनेंट जनरल (सेवानिवृत्त) समेर पाल सिंह ढिल्लों प्रमुख हैं। मितुल दीक्षित ने कहा, ‘मैं अपने पूर्व स्कूलदि सिंधिया स्कूल का ऋणी हूंं। स्कूल में दी गई समग्र शिक्षा व्यक्ति को समाज का एक स्वतंत्रनिर्णायक और जिम्मेदार सदस्य बनने में मदद करती है।
        डॉ. सारस्वत ने कहा, ‘हमारा उद्देश्य स्कूल में ऐसी शिक्षा प्रदान करना है जो लडक़ों को उनकी असली क्षमताओं का एहसास करायेफिर चाहे वो अकादमिक क्षेत्र होसमाज होरचनात्मक क्षेत्र या खेल आदि। शिक्षा जो उन्हें वैश्विक परिप्रेक्ष्य में भारतीयता से जोड़े रखते हुए नेतृत्व की क्षमता प्रदान कर सके।स्कूल छात्रों को अकादमिक एवं बौद्धिक रूप से सर्वगुणसंपन्न सज्जन व्यक्ति के रूप में आकार देने के लिए विख्यात है। यह देश के अग्रणी आवासीय विद्यालयों में से एक हैऔर अपने समृद्ध इतिहासअसाधारण स्टेंडर्ड और प्रेरक वातावरण के लिए जाना जाता है। यहां आकर छात्रों ने अपने बचपन के वर्षों में अपनी शक्तियों को खोजा है। सिंधिया स्कूल में कुछ अत्याधुनिक बुनियादी सुविधाएं मौजूद हैंजैसे विज्ञान केंद्रएफ जी पीयर्स लाइबे्ररीजहां 10,000 से अधिक पुस्तकों का संग्रह हैओपन एयर थिएटर जिसमें 3000 लोगों के बैठने की क्षमता है, 800 लोगों के बैठने की क्षमता वाला भोजन कक्ष और स्विमिंग पूल आदि। स्कूल केंद्रीय माध्यमिक शिक्षा बोर्ड (सीबीएसई) से संबद्ध है। इसके कुछ बेहतरीन अकादमिक पहलुओं में द राउंड स्क्वेयर कांफ्रेंस प्रमुख हैजो जीवन में परिवर्तनकारी अनुभव ला सकती है और छात्रों में नेतृत्व कौशल बढ़ाने तथा अंतर-सांस्कृतिक समझ को बढ़ाकर व्यक्तित्व विकास के अवसर प्रदान करती है। स्कूल में ड्यूक ऑफ एडिनबर्ग अवार्ड योजना भी हैजिसके तहत स्वयं-सुधार कार्यक्रम पूरा करने के लिए युवाओं को पुरस्कार दिया जाता है। इसके अलावासूर्योदय पहलसामाजिक और सामुदायिक सेवाओंआदि का भी स्कूल में विशेष स्थान है।
         स्कूल हॉकीफुटबॉलतैराकीतीरंदाजीनिशानेबाजी जैसे खेलों की एक विस्तृत श्रृंखला को भी प्रोत्साहित करता है। विशेषज्ञ सलाहकारों के मार्गदर्शन में छात्रों को ये खेल खिलाये जाते हैं। इसमें एक समर्पित हॉर्स राइडिंग क्लब भी है।



Vinay Kumar 

May 11, 2018
Dr Madhav Deo Saraswat, an eminent educationist & Principal of India's iconic Boys' Boarding School The Scindia School, Gwalior, interacted with the media to share the rich, 121- year-old old legacy of  the school which is perched atop the magnificent Gwalior Fort in Madhya Pradesh's Gwalior. It is noteworthy that The Scindia School was founded in 1897 by the visionary H.H. Maharaja Madhav Rao Scindia I, & now scion of the erstwhile Scindia Royal family Jyotiraditya Scindia is Chairman Board of Governors of the school. Mitul Dikshit who is a prominent educationist of tricity  & an alumnus of The Scindia School also accompanied Dr Saraswat during the media interaction. "We have been recently ranked number two boarding school in India and number one in Madhya Pradesh in the boys legacy boarding schools category for the year 2017-2018, by Education World, one of the best education portals in India . I am happy to be in Chandigarh and to announce that as part of our outreach programme we are bringing an open House for parents, which will be an interactive and highly informative seminar with me & senior functionaries of The Scindia School." Said Dr.Madhav Deo Saraswat. It was informed that the seminar will be held on Saturday, May 12,2018  at Hotel The Taj, Sector 17, Chandigarh from 5-7 PM. Adds Dr Saraswat, "The event has been brought to Chandigarh as part of the School's plan to provide an opportunity to prospective students from the region of Chandigarh, Haryana, Himachal & Punjab to know about the school and make an informed decision of joining the same. The School is seriously viewing this region. The session will not only give the parents an opportunity to talk to me directly but also the alumni or associates of alumni of the school to get a better idea from those who have already been the part of popular institute of education."
                It is pertinent to mention that The Scindia School's illustrious alumni includes names like Film Director Anurag Kashyap. Actor Salman Khan, Bharat V Patel Ex CMD, P & G, Ameen Sayani, Renowned Radio  anchor of Radio Ceylon fame, K Natwar Singh, Former External Affairs Minister, Lt Gen (Retd.) Samer Pal Singh Dhillon, Former Dy Chief of Army Staff & many more. Mitul Dikshit said, "I owe a lot to my alma mater The Scindia School. The holistic education given at the School makes one independent, decisive & a responsible member of society."  Dr.Madhav Deo Saraswat, the Principal added, “We aim in providing a wholesome education at the school which lets boys realize their true potential, be it in academics, societies, creatives or sports etc. and helps them evolve to become future leaders with a global perspective while retaining an understanding of the Indian ethos.” The school is popularly known for turning out fine, well-rounded, academically & intellectually well-grounded gentlemen. The school is ranked as one of the leading residential schools in the country which  is a testimony to its rich history, exceptional standards, and nurturing environment that has helped every young boy through the formative years in his journey to self-discovery.
The Scindia School boasts of some of state-of-the-art infrastructural facilities like a Science Centre, F.G. Pearce Library with a collection of 10,000+ books, Open Air Theatre with a seating capacity of 3000 persons, Dining Facility with a seating capacity of 800 persons, Swimming Pool, etc. The school is affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Some of its finest academic initiatives include The Round Square Conference which can be a life changing experience providing personal development opportunities to students by enhancing their leadership skills and broadening intercultural understanding. The school also has popular Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme which awards youngsters for completing a self improvement programme. Apart from this, SURYODAYA Initiative, Social & Community Services, etc also have a special place in the school.The School also encourages a wide range of sports like hockey, football, cricket to swimming, archery, shooting, etc. which is learnt by the students under guidance of expert mentors. It also has a dedicated Horse Riding Club.



Vinay Kumar 

10th May 2018
In appreciation of their mothers, children “Petals” (a unit of Pandit Mohan Lal S D Public School), Sector 32C, Chandigarh; today expressed their love and affection by wishing their parents through cards. They took away beautifully made carry bags in which they put in their cards. Monica Sharma Principal 


Mother’s Day Celebrated at B.B.V. Chandigarh

Mother’s Day Celebrated at B.B.V. 


Vinay Kumar 

Chandigarh10th May 2018
Sr. Principal Bhavan Vidyalaya, Chandigarh said Special cell children celebrated Mother’s day by carrying out a tree plantation drive. Their teachers explained them the importance of trees around them and highlighted the concept of ‘Go Green’. This drive was carried out to sensitize them about the environment. Each child planted a small tree with the help of a teacher and a gardener and later these children dedicated these plants to their mothers.



 Vinay Kumar 
10th May, 2018:  
It has been made to appear to Sh. Ajit Balaji Joshi, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh that some Immigration/Emigration/Student Visa Companies are running their offices in U.T., Chandigarh.  Since there is no need of license for consultancy of student visa, they also start providing of Immigration/Emigration consultancy to the people. They get published advertisements in leading newspapers and dupe the innocent people of Punjab, Haryana and Himachal Pradesh and after 2/3 months, they close their offices and run away from the city. The unlawful activities of these companies can cause endanger to the general public.
                   Whereas Sh. Ajit Balaji Joshi, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh, is of the opinion that some check is necessary on these companies so that they  may not cause harm to the citizen and that immediate action is warranted in this regard. Therefore, Sh. Ajit Balaji Joshi, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh in exercise of the power vested in him u/s 144 Cr.P.C. do hereby order as an emergency measure that before establishing such companies, it is mandatory for the owner of the company to provide complete antecedents in writing to the Chandigarh Police at Public Window, Police Headquarter, Sector 9, Chandigarh within 7 days as and when they start their consultancy business in the City.
                    This order shall come into force with effect from zero hours on 09.05.2018 and shall be effective for a period of sixty days up to and including 07.07.2018.


Vinay Kumar  

10th May, 2018: 
    It has been made to appear to Sh. Ajit Balaji Joshi, I.A.S., District Magistrate, U.T., Chandigarh that there is an apprehension that anti-social elements may make their hideouts clandestinely in the residential/commercial areas of the Union Territory of Chandigarh. If suitable measures to prevent the same are not taken, the unlawful activities of these people can cause breach of peace and disturbance of public tranquility besides posing grave danger to human life and safety and injury to public property.
     Sh. Ajit Balaji Joshi, I.A.S., District Magistrate, U.T., Chandigarh, is of the opinion that some check is necessary on landlords/owners/managers of residential/commercial establishments so that anti-social elements in the guise of ordinary tenants, domestic servants & Paying Guests may not cause harm to the citizens and that immediate action is necessary for prevention of the same. Therefore, Sh. Ajit Balaji Joshi, I.A.S., District Magistrate, U.T., Chandigarh in exercise of the powers vested with him under section 144 of the Cr.P.C. do hereby order as on emergency measure that no landlord/owner/manager of residential & commercial establishments shall rent out any accommodation to any person, unless and until he has furnished the particulars of the said tenants, domestic servants & Paying Guests to the Station House Officer concerned. All the persons who intend to offer accommodation on rent shall inform in writing the particulars of tenants, domestic servants & Paying Guests to the Station House Officer concerned in whose jurisdiction the premises fall. Any breach of this order would invite action under section 188 of the Indian Penal Code.



 Vinay Kumar 

10th May, 2018: 
     It has been made to appear to Sh. Ajit Balaji Joshi, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh that because of possibility of law & order problem, security threats and possibility of misuse of weapons by anti-social elements and others can create panic in the public, and as such there is every apprehension of breach of peace and disturbance of public tranquility besides danger to human life and safety by the display of weapons.
Whereas Sh. Ajit Balaji Joshi, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh, is of the opinion that carrying of all kind of fire arms, lethal weapons, lathies, spears & javelins, trishuls, swords, short swords, knuckles, knives & daggers, iron rods, etc., within the Union Territory, Chandigarh in connection with the aforesaid matters would cause obstruction, annoyance or injury to persons lawfully employed, disturb public peace and tranquility and cause riots and affrays and that immediate action is necessary for the prevention of the same.
          Therefore, Sh. Ajit Balaji Joshi, I.A.S., District Magistrate, Chandigarh do, hereby, prohibit as measure of emergency, the public generally or any member thereof from carrying of all kind of fire arms, lethal weapons, lathies, spears & javelins, trishuls, swords, short swords, knuckles, knives & daggers, iron rods, etc., within the limits of Union Territory of Chandigarh for a period of 60 days.
          Provided that the above order shall not apply to:-
1.     Police or military or para-military personnel and other Govt. servants if called upon to carry fire arms in connection with their duties subject to the following conditions:
a.   That the police/military/para-military personnel shall be in their service uniform.
b.   That the exemption is applicable in relation to the above said personnel only when they are on official duty.
c.   That the above personnel shall carry their identity cards and authorization cards authorizing them to carry the fire arms in connection with their official duties, issued by the Competent Authority.
2.     Carrying of fire arms and lethal weapons for which permission in writing of the District Magistrate, Chandigarh has been obtained.

          This order shall come into force from zero hours on 09.05.2018 and shall be effective for a period of sixty days up-to and including07.07.2018.



Vinay Kumar 

It has been made to appear to Sh. Ajit Balaji Joshi, I.A.S., District Magistrate, U.T., Chandigarh that commercial establishment/shopkeepers engaged in the business of Restaurants/Dhabas, Discos, Clubs and Vendors sitting by the road sides and on the public places operating till late in the night are causing annoyance and are disturbing the public peace and tranquility leading to a harmful influence on public order.
      Whereas, Sh. Ajit Balaji Joshi, I.A.S., District Magistrate, U.T., Chandigarh is of the opinion that in public interest such commercial operations should not be carried on till very late in the night and so order that running of commercial establishments/shops etc. in trades/services such as running of Restaurants/Dhabas, Discos, Clubs and hawking goods by the road sides and on the public places between midnight to 04.30 A.M. in the Union Territory, Chandigarh is prohibited for a period of 60 days. Sale & service of liquor will however be governed by the Excise Law.
     Provided that this order shall not apply to hospitals, chemist shops and Petrol pumps. This order shall come into force with effect from zero hours on 09.05.2018 and shall be effective for a period of sixty days up to and including 07.07.2018.

दीक्षांत के छात्रों ने रीजन में पहली बार बनाये टेलीस्कोप, प्रदर्शनी भी लगायी

दीक्षांत के छात्रों ने रीजन में पहली बार बनाये टेलीस्कोपप्रदर्शनी भी लगायी

विनय कुमार
व्यावहारिक  ज्ञान से शिक्षा में किस तरह से बदलाव लाया जा सकता हैइसको दर्शाने के लिए दीक्षांत इंटरनेशनल एवं दीक्षांत ग्लोबल स्कूल ने छात्रों को उनकी क्षमताएं परखने के लिए एक और शानदार अवसर उपलब्ध कराया। टेलीस्कोप तैयार करने की हफ्ते भर की एक वर्कशॉप के समापन परचंडीगढ़ प्रेस क्लब में एक 'टेलीस्कोप प्रदर्शनी ' का आयोजन किया गया। इसमें दीक्षांत स्कूलों के छात्रों द्वारा बनाये गये टेलीस्कोप प्रदर्शित किये गये। इस अवसर पर मितुल दीक्षितचेयरमैनदीक्षांत स्कूल्सके साथ वर्कशॉप के संचालक एवं टेलीस्कोप एक्सपर्टतुषार पुरोहित भी मौजूद थेजो इंटर-यूनिवर्सिटी सेंटर फॉर एस्ट्रोनॉमी एंड एस्ट्रोफिजिक्सपुणे में सेवारत हैं। प्रदर्शनी में टेलीस्कोप का निर्माण करने वाले 25 छात्र भी मौजूद थे। इस कार्य के लिए 5-5 छात्रों की पांच अलग टीमें गठित की गयी थींजिन्होंने कुल 5 टेलीस्कोप तैयार किये थे। 
      'यह हमारे लिए खुशी की बात है कि हमारे छात्र सैद्धांतिक ज्ञान के साथ-साथ व्यावहारिक पहलू भी सीख रहे हैं। इन दिनों शिक्षा का परिदृश्य तेजी से बदल रहा है। कार्यशाला का उद्देश्य छात्रों को कक्षा में पढ़ाये गये पाठों को व्यावहारिक उपयोग में लाने की प्रक्रिया से परिचित कराना था। हमारे ग्लोबल स्कूल परिसर में एक भली-भांति सुसज्जित थिंक लैब स्थापित हैजहां हम विशेषज्ञों की मदद से वैज्ञानिक कार्यशालाओं का आयोजन करते हैं' मितुल दीक्षित ने कहा ।  टेलीस्कोप बनाने की कार्यशाला सात दिनों तक चली। कार्यशाला का प्रारंभिक चरण छात्रों को पढ़ाने के साथ शुरू हुआजिसमें अवतल दर्पण या कॉनक्लेव मिरर को ग्राइंड करनेउसकी वक्रता या कर्वेचर की गणना करने और दर्पण की फोकल लंबाई की गणना करना सिखाया गया। इसके बादकांच को चिकना करने के बारे में एक सत्र हुआजो दूरबीन बनाने की प्रक्रिया में बहुत महत्व रखता है। कार्यशाला के तीसरे दिनछात्र ग्लास को ठीक से पीसने में सक्षम हो गये थे। चौथे और पांचवें दिन मुख्य रूप से पिच टूल का उपयोग करके ग्लास को चमकाने की प्रक्रिया पर जोर दिया गया। पिछले दो दिनों सेछात्र कांच की जांच करनेट्यूब की लंबाई की गणना करने और फिटिंग के लिए इसे ड्रिल करने में जुटे थे। इसके अलावाउन्होंने ट्यूब को रंगा भी।  
      कार्यशाला आयोजित करने वाले तुषार पुरोहित को न्यूटोनियनगैलीलियोकैसीग्रेन इत्यादि जैसे टेलीस्कोप बनाने में विशेषज्ञता हासिल है। उनके पास टेलीस्कोप और खगोल विज्ञान में 18 से अधिक वर्षों का अनुभव है। तुषार ने कहा, 'छात्रों ने न्यूटोनियन प्रकार के टेलीस्कोप तैयार किये हैं। हमने टेलीस्कोप बनाने के लिए घरेलू चीजों का उपयोग किया है। टेबल टॉप ग्लास को कार्बोरेंडम (सिलिकॉन कार्बाइड) के साथ रखकर पीसा गया। टेलीस्कोप की मुख्य बॉडी पीवीसी पाइप का उपयोग करके तैयार की गयीजिस पर छात्रों ने अंदर और बाहर से चित्रकारी की। फिर इन्हें एल्टीट्यूड अजीमुथ माउंट किया गया। टेलीस्कोप बनाने के लिए एक लेंस के बजाय एक अवतल दर्पण का उपयोग किया गया। 'छात्रों अपनी सराहनीय उपलब्धि को मान्यता मिलने से प्रेरित लग रहे था। दीक्षांत में कक्षा 9 की छात्रकैमिला सरदाना ने अपने अनुभव साझा करते हुए कहा, 'हम वास्तव में उत्साहित हैंक्योंकि टेलीस्कोप बृहस्पति व शनि और उसके छल्ले देखने के लिए पर्याप्त हैं। हम चंद्रमा की सतह पर मौजूद क्रेटर भी देख सकते हैं। '  दीक्षांत में कक्षा 9 के छात्रसिद्धांत कपूर ने कहा, 'यह जीवन में एक बार मिलने वाला अवसर था और मुझे खुशी है कि मैंने इसे कुशलता से इस्तेमाल किया। कार्यशाला मेसे  मुझे टेलीस्कोप बनाने की तकनीकी विधि का पता चला और मेरे लिए यह ज्ञान आगे भी सहायक होगाक्योंकि मैं केवल इसी क्षेत्र में जाने की उम्मीद कर रहा हूं। '  सभी सत्रों मेसे छात्रों को विविध पहलुओं को समझने का मौका मिलाताकि वे टेलीस्कोप के भागों और उनकी कार्य प्रणाली को जान सकें। असली खुशी तो तब मिलीजब छात्रों ने अपने हाथों से टेलीस्कोप का निर्माण किया। दीक्षांत स्कूल काफी लंबे समय से अकादमिक और शिक्षणेत्तर गतिविधियों में सक्रिय रहा है। छात्रों के समग्र विकास में मदद करने वाली विविध गतिविधियां आगे भी आयोजित होती रहेंगी।

BioNEST (PU) and PHD signed an MOU

BioNEST (PU) and PHD signed an MOU

Vinay Kumar

BioNEST at Panjab University & PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry signed an MOU at Panjab University, Chandigarh, here today. The highlight of the MOU signed is the identification of start-ups, rural innovations and provide access to experts for mentoring to provide partnership opportunities.The MoU was signed by Prof. Grover (Vice Chancellor, PU) on behalf of Panjab University and Mr. Vikram Sahgal, Chairman Chandigarh Committee, PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry along with Mr. Sonam Grewal, Chairman, PHD Chamber Regional 
Start-up Committee.rof. O.P. Katare, Dr. Rohit Sharma (Leader, BN-PU), Brig. H.P.S. Bedi, Director, PHDCCI, Ms. Madhu Pillai, Regional Director, PHDCCI, Ms. Rajneet Ghumman, Deputy Resident Director, PHDCCI were also present in the meeting.Mr. Vikram Sahgal, Chairman, Chandigarh Committee, PHD Chamber of Commerce and 
Industry remarked that PHD Chamber works dedicatedly towards connecting the academia and industry at a national and global level. The MoU is the initiative taken at both the ends of the thread to achieve the same.“The main motto of the Cluster and the BioNEST is to inspire and support entrepreneurs to join the start-up campaign. We aim to establish a platform that allows students from different fields to connect with founders of successful start-ups, investors, educators and other inspiration minds in start-up scene. We have been organizing various workshops and now it is time to ublicize Biotech sector in this economical climax of India.” said Prof. Arun K. Grover, VC, PU.Mr. Sonam Grewal, Chairman, PHD Chamber Regional Start-up Committee said that “PHDCCI at Chandigarh is launching a PHD Start-up cell for mentoring & coaching for the budding entrepreneurs. This is to bring all the stakeholders including the start-ups and the larger industrial players in one platform so as to ensure the success rate of industrial growth in the region.“This one is an operational component of the BioNEST agenda. Mentorship is one component, we enthuse and build ecosystem around identified entrepreneurs. I encourage all the entrepreneurs to network well and take advantage of the opportunities BN-PU has to offer. Our team shall make sure that the MOU between BNPU and PHDCCI becomes another successful contribution from BioNEST, Panjab University to Make in India Campaign.” said Dr. Sharma.

Delegation of co-ordination committee met Chief engineer.....

Delegation of co-ordination committee met for filling Up vacant posts and other demands

Vinay Kumar

Delegation of co-ordination committee of govt and MC employees and workers UT Chandigarh led by its convener Sh Ashwani Kumar met Sh Mukesh Anand Chief engineer cum special secretary engineering department regarding filling Up vacant posts and other demands of engineering wing employees. Ashwani Kumar told the chief engineer that many posts lying vacant in horticulture department road department and public health department and also told that barsati and uniform has not issued to the workers. Chief engineer assured the delegation that shortly settled the demands of the employees. 

चण्डीगढ़ भाजयुमो के अध्यक्ष एडवोकेट गोयल व उनकी टीम के प्रयासों की राजनाथ ने प्रशंसा की

चण्डीगढ़ भाजयुमो के अध्यक्ष एडवोकेट गोयल व उनकी टीम के प्रयासों की राजनाथ ने प्रशंसा की

विनय कुमार

भाजयुमो के स्थानीय अध्यक्ष एडवोकेट गौरव गोयल आजकल कर्नाटक में भाजपा के चुनाव प्रचार हेतु गए हुए हैं जहां उन्होंने सभी की सभी 224 सीटों पर अपनी टीम के साथ काफी सक्रियता के साथ चुनाव प्रचार में भाग लिया।  इस मौके पर केंद्रीय गृहमंत्री राजनाथ सिंह ने भी अपने चुनाव प्रचार अभियान के दौरान गौरव गोयल की टीम के साथ मुलाकात की व उनके द्वारा किए गए सोशल मीडिया वर्क व चुनाव प्रचार अभियान की प्रशंसा की। उन्होंने कर्नाटक चुनावों के बाद गौरव गोयल को उनके सदस्यों सहित विशेष तौर पर दिल्ली में आमंत्रित किया है। 

श्री धनवन्तरि आयुर्वेदिक कालेज में फ्रेशर्स पार्टी की धूम

श्री धनवन्तरि आयुर्वेदिक कालेज में फ्रेशर्स पार्टी की धूम

विनय कुमार

श्री धनवन्तरि आयुर्वेदिक कालेज, सेक्टर 46, चण्डीगढ़ में बीएएमएस  (द्वितीय वर्ष) के विद्यार्थियों ने फ्रेशर्स पार्टी का आयोजन किया जिसमें कृति मिस फ्रेशर व अंश अली मिस्टर फ्रेशर चुने गए। इसके अलावा यामिनी को मिस ईव व माधव को मिस्टर ईव चुना गया। कालेज के प्रिंसीपल डॉ. नीरज शर्मा भी फ्रेशर्स पार्टी में शामिल हुए व उनको बधाई दी व हौंसला बढ़ाया।    

E-Auction of CH-01BS series has been concluded today

E-Auction of CH-01BS series has been concluded today

Vinay Kumar 

E-Auction of CH-01BS series has been concluded today with the participation of 251 bidders. The office of Registering & Licensing Authority fetched the revenue of RS. 6216000. The numbers which got the higher bidding are
CH01BS 0001 - 6,90,000,  CH01BS 0002 - 1,44,000,  CH01BS 0003 - 2,44,000,  CH01BS 0005 - 1,22,000,
CH01BS 0007 - 2,56,000, CH01BS 0008 - 1,50,000,    CH01BS 0009 - 1,20,000