Daily News

Monday 20 May 2019



National Tele 24 News
Vinay Kumar
A vibrant Freshers’ Party was organised by students of class XII, Bhavan Vidyalaya, Chandigarh for the incoming students of class XI. The party was themed ‘Friends’ and true to its theme, enabled students to forge bonds of friendship and camaraderie that would last for years to come. The purpose of the party was to welcome the new comers of Grade 11 into the Bhavan family and to enrich their souls with the gift of friendship and joy. The Freshers were accorded a cordial welcome by the school Captains Anhad Kaur and Anjali Bhardwaj, after which, several fun-filled events, through which the freshers got a splendid chance to bond with their seniors and also showcase their exquisite talents. The programme started with the boys and girls of class XI parading down the ramp, looking ritzy in their colourful attires. Based on the performance in the initial rounds, 8 finalists from each category moved to the elimination round. The last was the question and answer round in which the contestants had to prove their mettle by answering questions posed by the erudite jury intelligently. With questions ranging from the #MeToo movement to gender equality, the students were tested based on their take on contemporary issues that plagued the country today. Aastha Johar of XI B1 and Prabhav Sharma of XI C2 were crowned Miss Fresher and Mr. Fresher 2019 respectively. Riddhi Rathi of XI B1 was declared Miss Elegant and Rounaq Singh Bawa of XI A2 was adjudged Mr Handsome. Yashita Thakur of XI B1 bagged the title of    Ms. Charming and Aryaman Mohan of XI B1 was declared Mr. Dashing. The winners were felicitated by by Sr. Principal Mrs. Vineeta Arora and Vice Principal Mrs. Suparna Bansal who appreciated and commended efforts of the seniors for putting up such a great show. Mrs. Soma Mukhopadhyay, Principal Junior Wing was also present on the occasion. Gurnoor offered a Vote of Thanks on behalf of class XI, before everybody moved out for a sumptuous lunch. The magic in the air lingered on in pulsating rhythms and bonds were forged that would last for years to come.

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