Daily News

Saturday 20 June 2020

NT24 News : One Week live Yoga Session kick started in....

One Week live Yoga Session kick started in Home Science College
National Tele24 News
Vinay Kumar Sharma
One week live Yoga session kick statred in Government Home Science College on June 19,2020 for faculty and students as a prelude to the International Yoga Day on June 21, 2020. The session was conducted by yoga practitioner, Vedika , a student of B.Sc Home Science 4 th semester early morning today where she demonstrated various asanas like Tadasana, Paschimottanasana, Sethu bandhasana and Pranayam including Brahmari, Anulom Vilom  and Kapalbhati along with explaining the benefits of each. The Yoga session is being conducted keeping in mind the Covid guidelines for safety of all participants . The session was attended by over 100 participants and  brought immense relief, alertness and a freshness among them. The session  proved to be energizing, transcending, and provided enlightening experience to all participants. Principal Prof Sudha Katyal applauded the efforts of organizing team and said that such sessions  help in tackling depression and anxiety along with health benefits to all.

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