Wednesday 19 December 2018

NT24 News : International Exchange Programme of St. Stephen’s Started........

International Exchange Programme of St. Stephen’s Started
with a European School at Sofia-the beautiful capital of Bulgaria
National Tele24 News
Vinay Kumar
Chandigarh, December 19: As part of the ‘Go Global’ campaign initiated by Yuvsatta-an NGO, St. Stephen’s School of Chandigarh started an international exchange programme with “156 Vassil Levski"-a prestigious School at Sofia the beautiful capital city of Bulgaria Sharing his concerns Mr. Louis Lopez, School Principal said that at St. Stephen’s their vision is to create an architectural environment that will not only support, but inspire an educational process to act as a link between home and the world since education at school is a continuation and extension of parental education at home. As such they believe that each Stephenian should always aim higher, that is why the School Motto is "Semper Sursum" meaning Always Aim Higher. And this new initiative of partnership with Bulgarian School is also a step in that direction, which surely will increase student’s in-depth understanding of the world and its many cultures. Giving information about major highlights of the initiative, Mr. Pramod Sharma, coordinator of Yuvsatta said that our country enjoys a very close relationship with Bulgaria and recently Hon’ble President of India Sh. Ram Nath Kovind, had also visited Bulgaria to further strengthen Indo-Bulgarian ties. And they have designed this programme with many interesting activities like a School-Buddies programme in which students from both Schools will exchange weekly emails to learn more about each other’s people, country, festivals, education system and governance. Regular international Skype Conference calls between students and teachers of both partner Schools are also planned. And to further cement their ties both Schools will also plant ‘Friendship Trees’ at their campus. Exchange visits of teachers and students from both sides are also planned.

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