Sunday, 3 March 2019
NT24 News : नीड बेस्ड चेंज के नोटिफिकेशन जारी होने से व्यपारियों में दोडी ख़ुशी कि लहर..................
नीड बेस्ड
चेंज के नोटिफिकेशन जारी होने से व्यपारियों में दोडी ख़ुशी कि लहर
एन टी 24 न्यूज़
विनय कुमार
प्रशासन द्वारा औद्योगिक क्षेत्र के व्यापारियों को नीड बेस्ड चेंज ने नोटिफिकेशन जारी
कर दी है। जिस पर उद्योगपतियों में खुशी की लहर दौड़ गई है । इसी के चलते औद्योगिक क्षेत्र
की जानी-मानी संस्थाओं द्वारा भारतीय जनता पार्टी चण्डीगढ़ के प्रदेशाध्यक्ष संजय टंडन
का आभार व्यक्त करने के लिए एक सभा का आयोजन
किया गया । जिसमें सभी व्यापारी संगठनों ने मिलकर संजय टंडन को फूलों का हार और गुलदस्ता
देकर सम्मानित किया l इस अवसर पर प्रदेशाध्यक्ष संजय टंडन ने उपस्थित सभी व्यापारी
भाईयों को बधाई प्रदान की और चण्डीगढ़ के प्रशासक
वी सिंह बदनौर एवं सलाहकार मनोज परिदा का आभार व्यक्त किया । उन्होंने खा की प्रशासन
द्वारा नोटिफिेशन जारी करने से औद्योगिक क्षेत्र
के व्यापारियों को लाभ होगा और अपना कारोबार बढ़ाने में मदद मिलेगी। पिछले लम्बे समय
से व्यापारियों की माँगों का समाधान नहीं हो पा रहा था जिसका खामियाजा व्यापारी वर्ग
को उठाना पड़ रहा था लेकिन केंद्र में भारतीय जनता पार्टी की सरकार आने से धीरे-धीरे इस पर कार्य होना शुरू हुआ
और आज उसका नतीजा सामने है। इसी तरह औद्योगिक क्षेत्र की अन्य लंबित पड़ी समस्याओं
का भी जल्द से जल्द समाधान किया जायेगा । उपस्थित व्यापारी संस्थाओं ने प्रदेशाध्यक्ष
संजय टंडन का आभार व्यक्त करते हुए कहा कि आज व्यापारियों में जो खुशी है वह शब्दों
में बयान नहीं की जा सकती जिसके हकदार सिर्फ और सिर्फ संजय टंडन है जिनके अनथक प्रयासों
से आज व्यापारियों के चेहरे पर खुशी है। उन्होंने आश्वासन देते हुए कहा के सभी व्यपारी
भारतीय जनता पार्टी के साथ है आने वाले लोक सभा चुनाव में पूरा व्यापारी वर्ग बढ़-चढ़
कर अपना योगदान देगा ।
NT24 News : Department of Zoology, Panjab University, Chandigarh..........
of Zoology, Panjab University, Chandigarh
National Tele24 News
Vinay Kumar
Annual Sports Day of the Department
of Zoology was celebrated at the main ground of Panjab University, Chandigarh,
here today with great zeal and fervor. Over 180 undergraduate and postgraduate
students, 50 research scholars displayed their sports skills. Dr. Harpreet
Kaur, Chairperson congratulated the students for enthusiastically participating
in the event and showing sportsmanship. Dr. Archana Chauhan, President, Panjab
University Zoological Society (PUZS) told that sports day is the most awaited
event of the year in the department. The day is marked by holding various
competitions of track and field. It includes 50m race,100m race 100m relay
race, three leg race, lemon race discus throw, shot put throw, long jump, lemon
race, tug of war, football, volleyball and cricket match. This year the main
attraction of the sports day was Tug of War between girls and boys, in which
girls won the match. Another attraction was mixed 100m relay race of girls and
boys. The faulty also showed sportsmanship by participating in the lemon race. Winners of different games are as
follow : Winner of 100m race (boys)- Mr. Parampal singh Winner of 100m relay
race (boys & girls Mix)- Mr. Bhasharat Ali and Ms. Megha Winner of 100m
relay race (girls only)- Ms. Shimona and Ms. Pooja Winner of 50m race (girls)-
Ms. Shimona Winner of 100m race (girls)- Ms.
Shimona Winner of shot-put throw (girls)- Ms. Dilnaaz Winner of shot-put throw
(boys)- Mr. Siddharat Winner of discus throw (girls)- Ms. Pooja Winner of
discus throw (boys)- Mr. Siddharat Winner of javelin throw (girls)-Ms.
Abhinandana Winner of javelin throw (boys)-Mr. Ritik Ranjan Winner of lemon
race (girls)- Ms. Aashima Winner of Three-leg race (girls)-Ms. Bhawana
National Tele24 News
Vinay Kumar
BJP Chandigarh State President
Sanjay Tandon met with Chief Ministers of Haryana and Himachal Pardesh in an
unofficial meeting at residence of Haryana Chief Minister M.L. Khattar. Chief
Minister of Himachal Pardesh Jai Ram Thakur was in the city to attend annual
conference of Himachal Mahasabha. On the occasion, Sanjay briefed the Chief
Minister of Himachal that a large number of Himachal citizens live in the city
and are working hard to conserve and promote social culture of Himachal Pardesh.
He said a large number of these people are associated with BJP Chandigarh. He
said many of these people worked very hard in last Himachal state elections in
campaigning for BJP’s local candidates in their areas. He also gave several
personal suggestions to Jai Ram regarding Himachal Pardesh. Jai Ram showed his
gratitude and thanked Sanjay for his valuable inputs.
NT24 News : कालोनी वासियों को मिली सर पर छत्त, टंडन ने किया धन्यवाद राजयपाल और मोदी का......
कालोनी वासियों को मिली सर पर
छत्त, टंडन ने किया धन्यवाद राजयपाल और मोदी का
एन टी 24 न्यूज़
विनय कुमार
नंबर 4 के गरीब लोगों के सर पर भी अपनी छत के सपने को साकार किये जाने पर भारतीय जनता
पार्टी चंडीगढ़ के प्रदेश अध्यक्ष संजय टंडन ने प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी, चंडीगढ़ के
प्रशासक वी पी सिंह बदनौर, सलाहकार मनोज परिदा और चंडीगढ़ प्रशासन के सभी अधिकारियों
का आभार व्यक्त किया है |टंडन ने कहा कि आज जिन लोगों को मलोया में नवनिर्मित मकानों
की चाबियां प्राप्त हुई हैं उन लोगों ने कभी सोचा भी नहीं था कि इतनी जल्दी उनको अपना
मकान | किन्तु मोदी सरकार ने 5 वर्ष के कार्यकाल में उनके सपने को पूरा कर दिया | यह
सही मायने में मोदी सरकार की गरीबों के प्रति अपनी सजींदगी को दर्शाती है | उन्होंने
कहा कि वो दिन दूर नहीं जब देश के सभी गरीबो का अपना अपना घर होगा | प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र
मोदी जो कहते हैं वो कर के भी दिखाते हैं | ये उनकी सकरात्मक सोच का ही परिणाम है कि
आज देश में गरीब का अपना बैंक खाता,अपना कारोबार, भत्ता, निःशुल्क चिकित्सा, जीवन बीमा,
स्वच्छ भारत योजना के अंतर्गत शौचालय और उनका अपना मकान है | इतना ही नहीं प्रधानमंत्री
नरेंद्र मोदी ने स्व पंडित दीन दयाल जी के अन्तोदय के उत्थान के स्वपन को भी साकार
किया है इसलिए वे पुनः देश के प्रधानमंत्री
नरेंद्र मोदी का आभार व्यक्त करते हैं |
National Tele24 News
Vinay Kumar
The Deputy Commissioner, Chandigarh, Sh, Mandip Singh Brar held a
meeting today to review the status of 'Pradhan Mantri Shram-Yogi Maan
dhan' Scheme in Chandigarh. Government of India, Ministry of Labour&
Employment, Labour Welfare Organization, New Delhi has introduced a pension
scheme for unorganized workers namely Pradhan Mantri Shram Yogi Maan-dhan (PM-SYM) to
ensure old age protection for unorganized workers. The scheme came into force
from 15th February, 2019 across the country through Common Service Centers
(CSC). The intended beneficiaries are the unorganized workers mostly engaged as
home based works, street vendors, mid-day meal workers, head loaders, brick
kiln workers, cobblers, rag pickers, domestic workers, washer men, rickshaw
pullers, landless laborers, own account workers, agricultural workers,
construction workers, Beedi workers, handloom workers, leather workers,
audio-visual workers and similar other occupations whose monthly income is Rs.
15,000/- per month or less and belong to the entry age group of 18-40 years. It
is expected that at least 10 crore labourers and workers in the unorganized
sector will avail the benefit of this scheme within next
five years making it one of the largest pension schemes of the world. As per
the scheme, unorganized workers should be able to enroll through Common
Service Centers (CSC), who has Aadhaar Card and Saving Bank
Account/Jan Dhan Account number with IFSC. The Common Service Centers (CSC) is operational at
Municipal Corporation Office, Market Committee Office- Sector 26, and will be
made operational tomorrow at GMSH 16 Chandigarh. While going to CSC for
enrollment, the beneficiary shall carry Aadhaar Card, Bank Passbook and mobile
phone on which the OTP will be received. The beneficiary has to be present with
all the mentioned documents for enrollment. For any further queries, the
office of Labour Commissioner/Deputy Commissioner may be contacted.
National Tele24
Vinay Kumar
Department of English and Cultural Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh organized a lecture on " India outside India : The Indo-Carribean Literary Space After Indentureship- An introduction" by Dr. Judith Misrahi-Barak, Associate Professor at University Paul Valery Montpellier, France, here today. Dr. Judith spoke about Slave trade in India during the times of British Colonization. The emergence of Indo-Carribean literature was brought into the discussion and the canonical texts were discussed for instance, "House of Mr. Biswas" by V.S. Naipaul, "The Jumbie Bird" by Ismith Khan and the works of Mahadai Das. These works have also been translated to various languages and she also talked about the problems faced while translating Carribean slang to colloquial one. She introduced a new perspective to look at the word "Kaalapani" which was an emancipatory route to Carribean. The lecture was informative and helpful for the scholars pursuing their researches in the Indo -Carribean Literature. Dr. Meenu Gupta, coordinator for the event prsesented token of love to the guest speaker.
Department of English and Cultural Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh organized a lecture on " India outside India : The Indo-Carribean Literary Space After Indentureship- An introduction" by Dr. Judith Misrahi-Barak, Associate Professor at University Paul Valery Montpellier, France, here today. Dr. Judith spoke about Slave trade in India during the times of British Colonization. The emergence of Indo-Carribean literature was brought into the discussion and the canonical texts were discussed for instance, "House of Mr. Biswas" by V.S. Naipaul, "The Jumbie Bird" by Ismith Khan and the works of Mahadai Das. These works have also been translated to various languages and she also talked about the problems faced while translating Carribean slang to colloquial one. She introduced a new perspective to look at the word "Kaalapani" which was an emancipatory route to Carribean. The lecture was informative and helpful for the scholars pursuing their researches in the Indo -Carribean Literature. Dr. Meenu Gupta, coordinator for the event prsesented token of love to the guest speaker.
NT24 News : किड्स आर किड्स स्कूल में जूनिअर्स ने सीनीयर्स को दी विदायगी पार्टी...........
किड्स आर किड्स स्कूल
में जूनिअर्स ने सीनीयर्स को दी विदायगी पार्टी
विनय कुमार
किड्स आर किड्स स्कूल, सैक्टर ४२- सी के आठवीं क्लास के
विद्यार्थियों के लिए जूनिअर्स विद्यार्थियों द्वारा विदायगी पार्टी देने के लिए
विदायगी समारोह का आयोजन किया गया । इस दौरान छटी और सातवीं क्लास के
विद्यार्थियों ने अपने सीनियरज़ के लिए रंगों रंग प्रोगराम पेश किये। स्टेज
पर विद्यार्थियों द्वारा गु्रुप डांस,सोलो डांस ममकरी और कई हासरस खेल का
आयोजन किया गया। इस के इलावा मिस्टर और मिस्टर फेअरवैल्ल के टाईटल का मुकाबला में
रोचक रहा । इस दौरान छात्रों के बीच रैंप वाक, सवाल जवाब और कई मुक़ाबले हुए ।
आखिर में तनिश और अशमिता ने मिस्टर और मिस फेअरवैल्ल का खि़ताब हासिल किया । स्कूल
के डायरैक्टर प्रिंसिपल अनुपम ग्रेवाल ने विद्यार्थियों को पूरी मेहनत और लगन से
पढाई करने के लिए प्रेरित किया और फाइनल परिक्षा में अच्छे अंक लेने के लिए शुभ
कामनाए दी । डायरैक्टर प्रिंसिपल अनुपम ग्रेवाल ने विद्यार्थियों को अपना
कैरीअर बनाने के लिए सख्त मेहनत करने के लिए कहा । स्कूल के हैड मिस्टरस
गरिमा भारद्वाज ने कहा कि नई पीढी को सहनशीलता,योजना ,सख्त मेहनत और दूरअंदेशी ही
सफलता के राह पर ले जा सकती है । इसके साथ ही उन्होने विदा हो रहे विद्यार्थियों
को बधाई देते हुए अनुशासन ,समय की पाबंदी और दूरदर्शी होने के गुण अपनाने पर जोर
दिया,समूह सीनीअर विद्यार्थियों ने मैनेजमेंट,अध्यापकों और जूनिअर
विद्यार्थियों का धन्यवाद किया जिन्होने उनको यह विदायगी पार्टी दी । समागम के अंत
में समूह विद्यार्थियों को सोवीनार और तोहफे दिए गए ।
NT24 News : Special drive against consuming liquor at public place...........

Special drive against consuming liquor
at public place
National Tele24 News
Vinay Kumar
In continuation of
a special drive against consuming liquor at public place,
yesterday, the drive was carried out at different parts of the city.
Under this drive total 13 different cases U/S
68-1(B) Punjab Police Act 2007 & 510 IPC got registered in different police
stations of Chandigarh in which total 13 persons were
arrested while consuming liquor at public place. All later on bailed out. The
detail of police Stations in which cases U/S 68-1 (B) Punjab Police Act 2007
& 510 got registered:- PS-19= 2 cases, PS-Ind. Area= 4 cases, PS-MM=
3 cases, PS-39= 2 cases, PS-Maloya= 2 cases. This drive will be
continuing in future, the general public is requested for not breaking the law.One arrested for
possessing illegal liquor Chandigarh Police
arrested a lady resident of Sector-56, Chandigarh from near Govt. School,
Sector-56, Chandigarh while illegally possessing 20 quarters of country made
liquor on 02.03.2019. A case FIR No. 47, U/S 61-1-14 Excise Act has been
registered in PS-39, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress. Action against Gambling/Satta Chandigarh
Police arrested Nitin Kapoor R/o # 305, Adarsh Nagar, Naya Gaon, Chandigarh
while he was playing satta near Sindhi Sweets, Sector-37, Chandigarh on
02.03.2019. Total cash Rs. 550/- was recovered from him. In this regard, a case
FIR No. 48, U/S 13A-3-67 Gambling Act has been registered in PS-39, Chandigarh.
Later he was released on bail. Investigation of the case is in progress. MV Theft Naresh Mahajan R/o # 1293, Sector-34/C, Chandigarh reported that
unknown person stolen away complainant’s Honda City Car No. CH-03-0909 while
parked near his resident on night intervening 24/25.02.2019. A case FIR No.
202, U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS-19, Chandigarh. Investigation of the
case is in progress. Rajat Kumar R/o # 3245, Sector-41/D, Chandigarh reported
that unknown person stolen away complainant’s Motor Cycle No. CH-01BV-0819
while parked near his resident on night intervening 27/28.02.2019. A case FIR
No. 49, U/S 379 IPC has been registered in PS-39, Chandigarh. Investigation of
the case is in progress. Kulbir Singh R/o Gali No. 26, Village-Jujhar Nagar,
Distt.-Mohali, Punjab reported that unknown person stolen away complainant’s
Tata Ace No. CH-01TB-5482 while parked near Co-Operative bank, Village-Daddu
Majra, Chandigarh on 01.03.2019. A case FIR No. 29, U/S 379 IPC has been
registered in PS-Maloya, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in progress. Rioting & Eve-teasing A
case FIR No. 77, U/S 147, 148, 149, 323, 324, 354D IPC has been
registered in PS-31, Chandigarh on the complaint of Prem Pal R/o # 2270,
Phase-2, Ramdarbar, Chandigarh who alleged that 7-8 unknown persons attacked
complainant with sharp weapon, iron road, sticks and threatened him
& eve-tease with complainant’s daughter near his resident on
02.03.2019. Complainant and his brother Dharambir and Sanjeet got injured and
admitted in GMCH-32, Chandigarh. Investigation of the case is in
Tele24 News
Member of Parliament, Chandigarh, Smt. Kirron Kher flagged off E-Rickshaws at
Punjab and Haryana High Court today. These E-Rickshaws were procured at
a total cost of Rs.9.68 Lakhs under MPLAD Scheme by CREST (Chandigarh Renewable
Science & Technology Promotion Society). These E-Rickshaws were handed over
to District Bar Association of Punjab & Haryana High Court for promotion of
E-Rickshaws in the city of Chandigarh. People will be benefited to
commute from Bus Stop area of High Court in the High Court area. The E-rickshaws
provided to Bar Association shall help in combating air pollution and shall
promote the use of non-fossil fuel energy. The function was attended by
Sh. Debendra Dalai, IFS, Director (Science & Tech. & Renewable Energy)
& CEO, CREST, UT Chandigarh, Dr. Abdul Qayum, IFS, Addl.CEO, CREST,
Chandigarh, Sh. Anmol Singh Sidhu, President of Bar Association, Sh. Baltej
Singh Sidhu, Secretary of Bar Association and various members of the Bar
Association and staff of the CREST, Chandigarh.
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